2022 year in review

Reading time: 6 minutes

It was the year of getting back to normal from Covid times. And by back to normal, I mean people just got tired of following protocols and went about their lives. Though it is a kind of new normal where people are wearing masks when they feel is appropriate, and are more careful to wash their hands more often. Which should help with not only Covid, but standard flu, and RSV which has been going around pretty badly this season.

Within the span of this year, three of my favorite comedians died: Gilbert Gottfried, Amazing Jonathan, and Bob Saget.

My business partner Steve and I celebrated Blocks Edit's fifth anniversary with some major upgrades this past year including a visual template tool for making setting up templates easier, and review comments for better collaboration.

From the blog

A couple of posts for the year on what I've learned working with email design since starting Blocks Edit. How product design ideas come together. And why you should start sending emails.

From the Blocks Edit blog, my favorite post of the year which came out of a conversation with someone from the #emailgeeks community. And my series of posts on modular design techniques.

Articles, videos, and links




Horror genre, new and old

More from my horror kick these past couple of years.

Video games and board games

More of my favorites this year.