Distinctive Quality blog

A few years back I decided to focus my attention on the Blocks Edit blog which meant I was no longer able to post on my Distinctive Quality blog. But I've decided to make it my weekend project to try and get some posts made to the Distinctive Quality blog again. Here's my first one on the best approach to providing your visitors with sharing options.


Spooky season

This year's spooky season has been eventful. I attended a house party a friend hosted, an event where I actually dressed up which I normally never do, and I carved a pumpkin which I haven't done in years for fear of cutting off a finger. The trick is to use tools designed for pumpkin carving!


Spooky movies

On the movies side, my favorite has been Drag Me To Hell, a fun Sam Raimi ride. I also enjoyed Kiki's Delivery Service. It's the second Miyazaki movie I've seen this year and I'm becoming a fan! And I rewatched the original Carrie which was better than I remembered it.



I also decided to start watching the Castlevania series that I am nearing the last few episodes for. It's been a nicely stylized, unique take on vampire lore.


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