More spooky season movies

A couple more movie recommendations to enjoy this Halloween weekend. An oldie: Wishmaster, and a more recent one: Last Night in Soho. I'm also looking forward to seeing the new Hellraiser movie, and X.


The longer

A good take on the motivation for doing something from Jason Fried of Basecamp and Hey Email. And you also don't have to love what you do.


Our capacity for fretting is endless

I've really been feeling this great quote lately.


Riven 25th anniversary

October 31st marks the 25th anniversary since Riven, the sequel to the video game Myst came out. I remember going to Best Buy with my dad to pick it up that day. In a lot of ways, Riven was Myst fully-realized in what the team was able to do with that format and still stands out today as the best game in the Myst series. It's rumored to have a real-time 3D remake for VR!


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