Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls

I got to see this indie horror comedy at Sundance earlier this year and really enjoyed it. I was also part of the Kickstarter for it and followed the blood, sweat, and tears that went into its making. I’m looking forward to seeing it again in theaters! Check out the recently released trailer for it and let me know if you decide to see it!


On taking advice

A great episode of the Rework podcast on how you should take advice, and even how you should consider giving advice. Here's a good excerpt from Jason Fried: "People will look at a company, assume they're successful, and emulate what they do. But it might turn out that what they're doing isn't working at all."


Last Airbender RPG

In anticipation for a new Avatar: The Last Airbender series, and a live action version(!), I've been re-watching the original series with my girlfriend. She also introduced me to the Avatar tabletop RPG that I played a game of with a group of people. After trying it, and trying out a game of Dungeons and Dragons last year, I've found that tabletop RPG's just aren't for me. But the playing guide for the Avatar game is pretty great as it lays out the unique aspects of the Avatar universe in a nuanced framework for storytelling. The DM that ran our game, Juliette, put together a fun session based on it!


Twisted Metal

A fun new show, somehow based on the Playstation 2 video game of the same name. I only remember playing the video game a few times as a kid, but I'm guessing they elaborated on the story a whole lot, or probably completely changed it. The character Sweet Tooth is in it though and he's pretty great (in a messed up kind of way), along with all the other characters!


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