Ovi's faves

I like to keep track of things I enjoy. At the end of the year, I highlight my favorites. These are my overall picks since I started keeping track in 2004. For recent highlights and short reviews of things I'm into right now, you can subscribe to get my monthly email.


Movies were originally what I started tracking, selecting my favorites each year. These are my top recommendations.


Recommended watching.


I try to read at least a book a month. I usually read on my iPad Mini. Here are my recommendations based on different genres of interest.

Work and craft



Personal growth

Philosophy, culture, and science


Comic books

I've been reading comic books since I was a kid, after my mom bought me a Mask comic after we saw the Jim Carrey movie that came out at the time in theaters. These are the ones I enjoyed reading and re-reading the most.


Graphic novels and collections


While I don't play as many video games in recent years as I used to, these are some of the ones that have made an impact on me since I was a kid playing Super Mario Bros on the original Nintendo.


These are the artists I tend to listen to the most. Here's a list of some of my favorite songs.

Live events

I don't see too many live performances besides the occasional concert, but these are some of my favorite performers of the ones I've seen along with some stand-out shows.

