2018 year in review

Reading time: 6 minutes

The big thing I've been talking about this past year is my switch from eating meat and dairy. I even put together a guide for eating plant-based that includes other healthier living tips. It might be worth checking out for ways to start off the new year! And while you're at it, here's an approach to take when starting new goals or projects.

The blog is now categorized into four themes: Art & Design, Marketing & Promotion, Tech & Culture, Growth & Craft. And there are featured posts at the top of each category.

Blocks Edit celebrated its one-year anniversary last month. I've been blogging on its Content + Code blog this past year as well, with posts mainly focusing on better email design. I've also blogged on the things I've been learning about marketing and sales while doing research to promote Blocks Edit.

I posted up my second short story this year. It's called New Sight and it's about an engineer on his way back from a trip to Japan, about to land back home in San Francisco - 20 years into the future. Along with the story, there are MP3 links to four songs that serve as a soundtrack while reading the story. The songs are all by Mick Rippon, who's music is hard to find and which you probably won't find anywhere else on the web! His music originally inspired the subject of my first short story, Impulse Tracker, which I've also added a soundtrack of his songs for.

And, did you know that this year marks 25 years since the release of both Myst and Doom? 50 years since 2001: A Space Odyssey. 10 years since Breaking Bad first aired. And, 30 years since the holiday classic, Die Hard, came out.

Recommendations and stuff

If you subscribe to my monthly email list, you'll know that at the end I highlight the good stuff of the books I've been reading, along with comics, what movies and shows I've enjoyed, along with videogames, and even music. Here are my favorites of the year.




TV shows



The complete list can be found in my Faves section of the site. And be sure to subscribe to the newsletter for more each month.

I hope you've had a great year and here's to an even better 2019!