2020 year in review

Reading time: 6 minutes

2020, the year of a global pandemic, essentially makes it the shittiest of years in who knows how long. The year is over, but we still need to hang on a few months more because the thing that has made 2020 so shitty is not quite over yet!

These next few months could be the worst of all as the number of Covid cases have increased over the holidays. My parents got it a few weeks ago. They managed to get through it and are now doing fine with only a couple minor symptoms left, but my dad ended up in the hospital with pneumonia at one point which was pretty scary. I spent the holidays video chatting with them and going through photos of past holiday times.

As for the rest of the year, I spent most of it at home, needless to say, with my head down in work on Blocks Edit. We've recently hit some important internal milestones from our efforts. One of the big things we're proud of is getting to a pricing model that allows for a completely free version.

From the Blog

I only wrote one personal blog post this year, and of course it was on the pandemic:

Books and comics

I did not seem to have enough patience for reading books while self-quarantined even though that was the one thing I was hoping to do more of going into it. I did get some comic reading in though.

Shows and movies

I also seemed to lack patience for watching movies this year (maybe from anxiousness from being stuck inside my house all the time?), so it's mostly been shows. I caught up on old ones along with some great newer stuff. And a bunch of random YouTube stuff in-between.
