Photo of Ovi.

Hey, I'm Ovi

Welcome to my corner of the internet. I design apps, build websites, and write stuff.

I've been designing and building websites, emails, and apps for 20 years now through my consultancy, Distinctive Quality. I'm also the co-founder and lead designer of Blocks Edit, a visual editor for marketing emails and landing pages.

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Comics I've written

Hacktivity, about privacy and freedom in an age of information. And Lifehacks, about using our connected world to connect with people.

Icon for information management.

(Over) Simplified Guide To

Thinking and focus →

Prioritizing and having a sense of calm in our work and actions

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(Over) Simplified Guide To

Nutrition and optimal health →

Eating plant-based and efficiently and effectively maintaining a healthier lifestyle

Logo for Indie Aisle.

(Over) Simplified Guide To

Being a creator on the web →

Overview of how to be effective online as an independent creator

Logo for Indie Aisle.

(Over) Simplified Guide To

Designing for the web →

Approach to take when designing web pages

My faves →

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